Advantages of permit to work software



A robust permit to work system is a key element of workplace safety, today businesses have the option of implementing a paper PTW or digital EPermit process. That choice will depend on your organisation but there are some advantages in implementing a Permit to Work software solution.

  • Standardisation: a software program can structure your permit to work process across a standard series of steps which need to be completed in a set order by providing mandatory pieces of information. This decreases the chance of actions being skipped.
  • Streamlined efficiency: even thought it's very important, people don't enjoy following a documented Health and Safety process. Consequently, any system which makes it easier and quicker for users to input and access information with dropdowns, dashboards and databases will reduce the time and effort required and therefore encourage buy-in.
  • Improved Communication: a number of departments and stakeholders are typically involved in planning a hazardous job and supporting permit to work, so communication is key.  A digital permit to work platform accessible on any web  browser, makes it easier for multiple parties to access and contribute to a safe working process.
  • Real-time tracking: if your paper based permit to work system is playing catch-up with the actual work progress, software makes it easier to update a status as it happens using mobile phone access and a way to scan workers on and off site. 
  • Data analysis: permit to works software can collect important data on a project - issues, delays and overall performance, allowing organisations to analyse trends, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to improve safety and efficiency.

    Permit to work or EPermit software is growing in popularity and is definitely worth investigating if you are looking to improve your permit to work safety processes. 

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