French Exchange Corner - Inspections


Each year there are 8,000 accidents with 10 fatalities involving fork lift trucks...

Chaima Hossenally | SG World Crewe

By Chaima Hossenally - French Exchange Student


Welcome to week two of French Exchange Corner, with SG World's Exchange Student Chaima Hossenally. This week, Chaima gives us her thoughts on the importance of equipment inspections across the industry.

Fork lift truck accidents are not the only kind of accidents that occur in factories; lots of tools can account for a high risk and bring about serious injuries, which are not limited to factory labour forces. Damages can also occur in buildings, storage systems or stocks.

One of the main causes of accidents is poor maintenance. However if these incidents could be avoided, death and injury numbers could decrease.

According to the HSE, it is the responsibility of management to ensure that safe systems of work are implemented and maintained. By regularly controlling the safety of work equipment with just an eye check, people can avoid several incidents - something which is very important to do and for the equipment not to be used before the inspection.

In order to be compliant with these recommendations, SG World offers you the solution Safe-INSPECT. Simple and easy to use, Safe-INSPECT enables you to check your tools and determine whether they are safe to use or not. You can control each component of your equipment by only using a duplicate checklist, which reminds the user of what is important according to the HSE. As each entry is made it automatically produces a copy on the duplicate, providing a permanent record of every inspection. This record can be a proof of a regular control but it can also inform you of what was wrong – or right – before another control.    

How is Safe-INSPECT used?

Companies have to inspect work equipment on a regular basis – daily, monthly... During each control, the system helps you to check whether your tools are safe simply by indicating a cross or a tick in the appropriate box. Once the inspection is complete and assuming safety has been established, the inspection certificate can be placed inside a safety status indicator on the equipment, ensuring that every employee can clearly see that it is safe for use. In the case of a fault being identified, the checklist is passed to maintenance and the indicator left to identify that the item is unsafe.

Forklift Truck Inspection Sheet | SG World

Safe-INSPECT is designed to avoid accidents and recognize which tools need to be repaired. This helps ensure all work equipment provided to employees is maintained and is safe to complete the job for which it is intended.

SG World supplies a wide range of equipment inspection systems, for lifting gear, fork lift trucks, transportation and factory machinery and are available in a pad or on a writing board for ease of use.

For more information, visit the  Inspection Checklist area of our website, give us a call or order a brochure.

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