Keeping Parents in the Safeguarding Loop


Staff aren't the only member of the school community that need to be involved in a school's safeguarding policy. Parents should be kept well informed on what safeguarding is, how the school is fulfilling its obligations and how they should raise any concerns.

Personal CarePad SG WorldParents of younger children and pupils with SEND will additionally have to be aware of what arrangements the school has in place to safeguard their children and how these will be carried out with respect to intimate care procedures, for example.

SG World have developed a Personal/Intimate Care record as a convenient way for schools to keep a record of instances during the day where a staff member has had to clean or change a child and also keep parents informed.

The handy chequebook-sized pad gives staff a standardised way to collect information, create a record of the incident and provide a tear-off notification slip for parents or guardians to inform them in a discreet and sensitive manner.

As each incident occurs, the responsible member of staff completes the slip recording details such as: date and time, child's name, names of assisting staff members, the nature of the incident and what care was provided. The top slip can be torn off and returned directly to the parent or guardian when the child is collected, or placed inside the child's school bag. A permanent copy remains in the book and can be used to provide evidence when applying for SEN support or to highlight behavioural patterns.

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