Mobile Evacuation App Now Available for 5D Visitor


Evacuation-App-About4DThe mobile evacuation app for 5D Visitor is now available on the Apple app store and Google Play. SG World released 5D Visitor earlier this year, a cloud-based visitor management platform incorporating a visitor contact database, staff check-in, reception touchscreen and MIS integration with optional barcoded photo ID cards. In the event of an emergency, 5D Visitor provides an accurate roll call of visitors on site helping fire marshals check all visitors and staff are safely out of the building. The list can be accessed on any web-enabled browser as well as the new mobile app so an accurate evacuation list is always at your fingertips. The software can also report on the time taken to perform a successful roll call during practice sessions so you can track any issues and improvements. 

5D Visitor is the flagship product of an expanding family of innovative software modules helping customers manage their people, places, things and time in a smart intuitive way . Pete Harrison, SG World Marketing Manager said “We designed 5D from the ground up to be easy to evolve into new feature sets and applications and this latest mobile app is just the start of a very exciting 5D product development roadmap.”

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