Personal Emergency ID Systems added to SG World Store


EmergencyPersonalIDSG World have added a new range of personal emergency ID systems to their accident prevention solutions. Worker Emergency ID products allow workers to carry their critical and potentially lifesaving information at all times. They provide first-responders with fast, simple access to pertinent medical information as well as emergency contact details onsite. For injured workers, quick access to this vital information has proven essential, time and time again.

With the ID tag’s security seal, workers can be sure their personal information remains secure. It’s simple to use and there's no need to rely on internet connections or stored data to retrieve necessary information. Worker Emergency ID is made from durable, reflective, water-resistant and non-conductive materials and can stand up to tough conditions. In addition, the synthetic paper ID tag inside is 100% waterproof, so vital information stays dry and safe.

Pete Harrison, SG World Marketing Manager, said  "The Personal Emergency ID systems are now available to order online and are a perfect addition to our accident prevention range, giving our customers another practical tool to improve worker safety." 

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