
Stepping Up Safety: Essential Checks and Permits for Working at Height

Stepping Up Safety: Essential Checks and Permits for Working at Height

Ladder Pre-Use Checks and Inspections

Ladder Pre-Use Checks and Inspections
If you use ladders in your workplace, it’s a legal duty to make sure they are safe and suitable...

Ladder Safety

Ladder Safety
Most households will own a ladder so it's easy to not recognise the inherent danger of using a...

Updated Ladder Safety Guidance underlines importance of inspections

Updated Ladder Safety Guidance underlines importance of inspections
Falls when working at height remain the most common kind of workplace fatality, accounting for...

Ladder Safety in Construction

Ladder Safety in Construction
Falls are the largest cause of accidental death in the construction industry. They account for 50%...

Looking at HSE Guidance : LA455 Safe Use of Ladders and Stepladders

Looking at HSE Guidance : LA455 Safe Use of Ladders and Stepladders
The latest annual workplace fatality statistics show that falls when working at height remain the...

What is the law around Ladder Pre-Use Safety Inspection Legislation

What is the law around Ladder Pre-Use Safety Inspection Legislation
Anybody can appreciate the potential danger of a 10 ton forklift or 10 metre high scaffold but the...

Ladder Reg Changes - Keeping a Step Ahead

Ladder Reg Changes - Keeping a Step Ahead
The EN131 standard is being updated to help reduce ladder related accidents by including...