Free Movie Resources for Schools
FILMCLUB is an education charity which offers schools free resources to set up their own after-school film clubs. They curate a catalogue of DVDs, alongside resources for events such as World Food Day and International Literacy Day.
Because next week is Parliament Week, they are offering 12 films which are intended to provide information and inspiration to students around the concept of democracy. It will also be Anti-Bullying Week, and seven films are available which touch on the topic of being bullied, with resource packs to accompany them which are designed to enable thought-provoking discussions about stopping bullying, as well as looking at the impact that bullying has on both bullies and victims of bullying.
Free Courses: Fire Safety; Alcohol and Drugs
A free Fire Safety Awareness course is being offered in Peebles, which will teach its attendees about the vital health and safety issues around the risks of fire. They will learn about common workplace fire hazards, how to prevent fires, and maintain a safe workplace, as well as advice on what people should do in the event of a fire outbreak.
For managers in the workplace, another course is being offered which will teach managers how to approach the issues of alcohol and drugs in the workplace. The training session will focus on raising awareness of the problems that can occur, as well as offering advice and guidance on how to tackle any issues which may arise in their employees.
The Scottish Centre for Healthy Working Lives, along with the Scottish Drugs Forum and Alcohol Focus Scotland are providing the training event, and they say that at the end of the training session, each attendee will have:
To attend this event on the 20th November, contact Mariam Abbas on 0141 314 0024 or
Health and Safety Executive Consultation on First Aid Training: Call for Responses
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) are carrying out a consultation on proposed changes to how first aid training programmes are reviewed. They have suggested that they may remove their own responsibility to approve such training, and they are looking for responses from businesses about, “what guidance would be useful to businesses when assessing what they need in terms of first aid provision for their particular circumstances; and in the selection of training providers”.
People can view the consultative document on the HSE website, and respond to the document either online or on paper until 3rd December 2012.