The cloud based school asset management software by SG World is gaining ground with software installation and the asset discovery service taking place in schools and academies across the country.
The school asset management software is a full service digital asset register with powerful reporting functionality and an intuitive user interface which can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, including smart phones and tablets. The AudIT asset management software solution can be found in academies and schools in Bristol, Leeds, Liverpool, London and Manchester, and as far north as Perth.
Adam Casey, Head of Operations for SGWIT, the electronics division of SG World said: “The past few months have been very busy for us, with installations and asset discovery taking place across the country. In a single week alone we had engineers driving from Norwich to Newcastle to help get academies and schools in those areas effectively manage their assets.”
It's popularity can be ascribed to the user-friendly software which gives a comprehensive asset register that schools can use to manage items and create reports for insurance or resource allocation planning. However, SG World adds even more value to academies and schools by providing a comprehensive asset discovery service. Engineers travel onto the school site and undertake a comprehensive audit of equipment, software licenses and other fixed or movable assets. SG World’s engineers replicate the site and room layout of the school’s campus and populate each virtual room with the information and photographs of their physical counterparts.
By providing a comprehensive audit of a school or academy’s assets to create their asset register, SG World removes a major time barrier that might prevent a school or academy moving to a digital asset management system.
“They [the engineers] have been amazing all week,” Amelia Hartley at Three Ways School, Bristol, said. “They have made what I thought was going to be a nightmare a pleasure.”
SG World’s engineers typically add approximately 500 items per day to a new education asset register, depending on accessibility of the individual assets. Assets put into the system include everything from computers, laptops, software and printers, to televisions, kitchen equipment, white boards, and even speciality teaching materials such as chemistry equipment. The typical time for set-up ranges between three to six days. Once the software is configured and filled with records of school assets, SG World provides an overview guide of the system and can help to set up any required reports.