Bumped Heads and Grazed Knees - Keeping Parents Informed


How do you deal with the scenario of one of your pupils experiencing a bumped head, nose bleed or asthma attack at school? Most of the time these relatively common occurrences are no cause for worry but it’s good practice to inform the parents or guardian.Incident Reporting Pad | SG World Crewe

You could note this down in a book, a note or even a sticker but ideally there will be a process in place which protects staff and children alike without creating unnecessary paperwork. SG World’s Incident Reporting Pad gives staff a clear, consistent way of recording important information, communicating it to parents and retaining a reliable record. The design reflects DFE and RIDDOR guidelines, promotes the recording of fact over opinion and minimises the problem of deciphering unclear handwriting. The handy chequebook format can be easily kept in situ in the playground or on school trips.

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