Chris Weaver Wins Employee of the Month for October 2019!


Congratulations Chris Weaver, our latest winner of Employee of the Month for October 2019!

Chris has only been with SG World for 18 months and in this short period of time has won the award twice. Chris is a Software Developer and last won the award for helping our Support and Services department and SG World’s sister company vectorbomb. He used his excellent coding skills, plus a good dose of hard work and determination, to improve the way that they operate and save them time.  Chris Weaver | SG World Crewe

This time round, Chris won the award for truly going way beyond the call of duty to help his team and the whole company. In October, we experienced some software challenges while Chris was on holiday. Hearing about the problem, Chris called the office to see if he could help and, within the hour, he was in the office helping to resolve the problem.

Chris wasn’t asked to come to the office that day – no manager at SG World would ever expect an employee to come in during their annual leave. He made that call himself, showing what a loyal, steadfast employee he is.

The result, of course, was that the issue was fixed. Chris not only helped his team that day, but the whole company and our customers.

Chris is most certainly a worthy winner and we couldn’t be more delighted for him. Congratulations, Chris – you really deserve it!

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