HSE Spot Checks


The Health and Safety Executive carried out spot checks on 22 sites where refurbishment construction was taking place in north-east London. The results were shocking, with many failing to meet the most fundamental requirements. Of the 22 sites where the spot checks were carried out, many required enforcement action. Six of these demanded that dangerous practices must immediately cease, and six required other improvements. One of the 22 sites was closed down entirely because the conditions were so exceptionally bad.

Crane Safety | SG World CreweTraining, welfare and work at height issues were all highlighted and the construction companies with problems in these areas were faced with requirements to improve.

By its very nature, construction is a dangerous industry. It is because of this that adhering to health and safety regulations is particularly important. When construction sites fail to provide such essential precautions as edge protection when working at height, and when site managers are not adequately trained, it becomes clear that improvement must take place.

This report came at the same time as the Health and Safety Executive announced that in 2011 to 2012, 49 construction workers died in the course of their work.

Free Eye Health App Now Available

Spec Savers Corporate Eyecare have launched a new app, available at the Apple store and the Android market, to raise awareness of the importance of eye health. The app, called Sight Check, enables employees to take several tests which will raise awareness and interest in eye health. If, as a result of the tests taken, an eye test is required, the software will advise the user of this.

The app includes a reading test, a test for astigmatism, and a visual acuity test, following which a computer analyses the results and gives a report about the user's eyesight, any risks they face and if they take any action.

Work at Height Information Now Available Online.

In May, the Access Industry Forum hosted the Knowledge Base at the Safety and Health Expo. The expo, which took place at the NEC, lasted for three days during which many experts, industry leaders and workers shared the latest information and their professional expertise on many areas of interest regarding working at height. All three days' worth of videos, including speeches, debates and roundtable discussions, are now available to be watched so that everybody in industries involved in working at height can be aware of the newest information, including how to keep themselves and their employees, contractors and site visitors safe.

The director of the Access Industry Forum, Neil Tomlinson, said, "There has never been a more urgent need to keep pace with the latest developments in best practice and what issues still need to be tackled to reduce accidents in the workplace. These videos are vital in ensuring the latest work at height messages are understood".


Photo Credit: Eugen Nosko

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