Making the Right First Impression with School Visitors


When Anna Molde started her new SBM role at Banks Road Infants and Nursery School, she was quick to implement new, improved ways of working. One example was replacing the basic “cut set” visitor book with SG World’s visitor pass solution.

VisitorBookComparison SG World Visitor Management

Banks Road were using a basic visitor badge book with several ‘passes’ on a page and a carbon sheet to create the essential office-retained duplicate. There were a number of issues with this. As there were several passes on one page, each visitor pass had at least two perforations which made it awkward to remove. This can cause a bottleneck in a busy reception as visitors struggle with fiddly perforations, resulting in jagged tears in the book pages.
“The old visitor book was ok but I wanted to do better than ok.” explained Anna. “You can welcome visitors to your school with an attractive, branded, ID pass solution incorporating important safety information. Or you can greet them with a dog-earred visitor book with torn edges. You only get one chance to make a good first impression and that’s why I went for the SG World option.”
“In addition, the carbon paper in the old visitor book didn’t leave a clear duplicate. It’s good housekeeping to have an accurate, historical record of school visitors, you never know when you may need to check who was on the premises on a specific date. Tracking visitors also demonstrates our ongoing commitment to school security.”
Anna has used SG Worlds products in the past at a previous school and has always been impressed with how simple they are to use, the SG World quality and service has always been second to none.

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