Congratulations to Lisa Pountain, the inaugural winner of SG World’s Employee of the Month initiative.

Lisa has been with us for many years and has consistently worked hard for her team, the company and the customer and as one of her nominations noted; she has a ‘can do attitude and goes above and beyond.’ On hearing the news Lisa said, “it was a complete surprise but a very nice one, thank you to whoever took the time to nominate me and pass on their lovely comments.”
Introduced this January, the scheme’s rationale is to recognise those who make a difference to their colleagues, customers or the overall business, people whose efforts might otherwise have gone unnoticed. So when a “thank you” just doesn’t seem enough, get your nomination in for the SG World person who has made your day. It might be the person who makes a tight deadline, deals with moving goalposts and still delivers. Maybe the person working quietly away in the background, sometimes taken for granted? Or it might be the person who’s always a pleasure to work with, whatever the task in hand.
In addition to receiving a group hug and £50 high street voucher, the employee of the month will motor into their VIP premium parking spot for the following month. However, we need to dispel the rumour that they also get a complimentary car wash from Richard Nichols. The monthly winners will automatically be entered into a draw for Employee of the Year.