SG World Donations Boost Staffordshire School's Eco Fight


Children from St. Saviour’s CE Primary School in Talke, Staffordshire, have a big boost in their fight for the environment - thanks to donations from Crewe-based Health and Safety documentation and software solutions company SG World.

SG World, which supplies school safeguarding and pupil monitoring solutions, has been donating waste paper products to the school since late 2011. Communications Director Steve Floodgate toured the school on in February as part of the school’s Eco Week activities and met with class “eco warriors” from Years 3 and 5.

Pupils at St Saviour's Primary, Talke, learn using donated paper rolls from SG WorldHolly, age 10, said she was an eco-warrior because she was “making a better future for our planet.”

St. Saviour’s already holds bronze and silver awards from Eco Schools. On top of their comprehensive recycling plans, the school also has composting, a working garden, and designates children from each class as eco warriors, making them responsible for environmentally friendly actions like tightening taps and turning off unused lights.

During the visit the children were eager to share their knowledge about saving the environment and to show off the projects, some of which were made possible thanks to SG World’s donations. In Reception, young pupils were busy creating Valentine’s cards for their parents on card recycled from the SG World factory, learning about recycling, and drawing a rain forest on a long roll of SG World paper spread across the floor.

Heather Broomfield, Reception Teacher, said: “The rolls of paper are something different; we don’t know where we would get them otherwise and we use them all the time. When I do my lessons I just roll the papers out and the children lie on the floor and write and draw. It’s a bit more exciting and interesting than just sitting and working at a table.”

SG World products have featured in the lessons as children learn about the importance of recycling and not wasting paper. Fiona, age 7-and-a-half, said: “I use both sides of the paper, and draw two pictures on each side. You should never throw paper away when it’s not used fully.”

Card from the SG World factory is used to create displays showing classroom activities, like “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” books, recipe cards inspired by readings of The Gruffalo or a Chinese dragon which the children made for a play celebrating Chinese New Year.

Communications Director Steve Floodgate said: “It’s wonderful to see products, which would normally be recycled, gain another life outside the factory and helping to educate the next generation about the importance of recycling and reducing waste.”

As a major supplier of paper-based Health and Safety solutions, SG World is committed to supporting conservation and environmentally sustainable practices. SG World use paper sourced from managed forests approved by the Forest Stewardship Council. Additionally, all of SG World’s papers have Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification accreditation. It takes around 17 trees per ton to manufacture paper, but more trees are planted each day than harvested and in Europe, paper recycling is the leading recycling industry.

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