SG World Helps Businesses with Health and Safety Reporting Rule Change


As of April 2012 Health and Safety regulations have changed with regard to how businesses must report accidents in the workplace. In the past, injuries at work which resulted in more than three days of absence had, by law, to be reported to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). The new rules mean that only injuries resulting in seven full days of absence have to be reported.

The change in the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) will mean that there will be a 30% fall in the number of reported incidents, according to the Health and Safety Executive, which will equate to around 30,000 fewer reports per year. They state that the change in regulation is designed to reduce paperwork and make sure that the most serious cases are prioritised.

However SG World, a company dedicated to helping businesses with Visitor Management and Health and Safety Solutions, fears that it could have a negative impact on workplace safety. While it acknowledges that the reduction in administration will free up time and money for businesses, SG World have expressed concern that employee safety might be compromised.

Steve Floodgate, Communications Director at SG World, says, “When it comes down to it, the employees will be the ones who are negatively affected by potentially increased risks in the workplace”.

While the changes will have an impact on every organisation, regardless of size, those most impacted will be businesses working in industry or other high-risk occupations, Steve Floodgate says.

Employers must continue to keep records in their accident book and certain accidents and major injuries such as broken bones, loss of consciousness and amputation must always be reported, regardless of the length of the employee's absence.

The length of time a company has to report an injury to the HSE has been extended to 15 days and the method of reporting has also changed, with the majority of injuries to be reported online via the HSE website.

Injuries or accidents which result in three days absence must still be recorded in an Accident Book, and SG World can help organisations to weather this change with their three-part accident report and investigation set. This includes an accident book, which remains important for recording all injuries in the workplace, and an investigation form to record the results of an investigation into an accident and any lessons learned. Thoroughly investigating accidents, while not always a legal requirement for safeguarding employees, is an industry best practice, according to SG World, who can help companies to undertake this with their simple and effective solutions.

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