SG World, leaders in visitor management and health & safety solutions, have unveiled Arnold Haase House as the name of their prestigious headquarters in an official naming ceremony.

For the last 40 years, SG World has developed innovative products which help customers establish effective solutions for visitor and asset management, as well as health & safety and inspection solutions. The company employs 150 staff with regional offices in London and Ireland and, more recently, the USA. SG World has a customer base in excess of 20,000 organisations across the UK, looked after by a nationwide sales force.
The naming of the building celebrates the hard work and foresight of their company chairman, Arnold Haase.

Mark Haase, SG World CEO, explained during the ceremony: "Five years ago, dad shared with me a dream of providing long-term, safe and secure employment for the people of SG World, as well as protecting the business for the future.
"I think it's a testament to dad's hard work and foresight that we're standing here today, celebrating the naming of this building as part of his legacy."
Chairman Arnold Haase was surprised by the ceremony and naming of the building. He officially unveiled the name on Tuesday 29th July with headquarters-based staff and friends present. Fittingly, also in attendance with the SG World family were Mr Haase's wife Shelagh, daughter-in-law Emma, grandchildren Sam, Harrison, Lily and Alfie and, of course, his son Mark.
Mr Haase said: "This is a very proud moment for me and a great moment for all of us. We've taken another step forward and are going to grow together, succeed together and we're all going to have secure jobs for the future.
"I always talk about the SG World family and this just stamps that message home. Although this is Arnold Haase House, I would have been quite happy to have it called the SG World Family House. Both are synonymous to me.
"Thank you very much."