
5 Ways we can help you follow the HSE Construction Safety Guidance

5 Ways we can help you follow the HSE Construction Safety Guidance
HSG150 is a safety guide aimed at anybody involved in construction work, including clients,...

Ladder Safety in Construction

Ladder Safety in Construction
Falls are the largest cause of accidental death in the construction industry. They account for 50%...

So what’s your thoughts on a three day weekend?

So what’s your thoughts on a three day weekend?
You say 3-day weekend, I say 4-day working week. But do the numbers add up? SG World CEO, Mark...

Another Tough Christmas for the Logistics Sector

Another Tough Christmas for the Logistics Sector
It's 2021 and here we are again, looking at another tough Christmas for the Logistics sector. The...

Evacuate quickly and safely with visitor management software

Evacuate quickly and safely with visitor management software
As you probably already know, whether you’re a school or a business you owe a legal duty of care to...

What should be covered in the School Accident Reporting Policy?

What should be covered in the School Accident Reporting Policy?
What is the purpose of an Accident Reporting Policy? An accident reporting policy should clearly...

Extended HGV driving hours & test changes criticised as risk to safety

Extended HGV driving hours & test changes criticised as risk to safety
The government has rolled out a plan to address widespread supply chain issues caused by a HGV...

Company Fined £18K For Accident Involving Tower Scaffold Safety Rail

Company Fined £18K For Accident Involving Tower Scaffold Safety Rail
The HSE has reported that a shopfitting company has been fined after an employee suffered multiple...

School Accident Quiz - RIDDOR Reportable or Not?

School Accident Quiz - RIDDOR Reportable or Not?
RIDDOR stands for Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (2013). It...