
Forklift Truck driver accidents, what's the management responsibility?

Forklift Truck driver accidents, what's the management responsibility?
It’s obviously good practice for a fork lift operator/driver to know what they’re doing but there’s...

Investigating Accidents, Incidents And Near Misses

Investigating Accidents, Incidents And Near Misses
If you think safety is expensive, try an accident Just like any other business KPI, health...

Working Platforms and Fork Lift Trucks

Working Platforms and Fork Lift Trucks
Primarily, fork lift trucks are intended for lifting materials and not people. People should never...

Forklift Safety - Everyone is Accountable, Management Dos and Don’ts

Forklift Safety - Everyone is Accountable, Management Dos and Don’ts
On every working day in the UK, five people are seriously injured in accidents involving lift...

Personal Emergency ID Systems added to SG World Store

Personal Emergency ID Systems added to SG World Store
SG World have added a new range of personal emergency ID systems to their accident prevention...

Case Study : Chapman Scaffolding Pre-Use Scaffolding Safety Inspection

Case Study : Chapman Scaffolding Pre-Use Scaffolding Safety Inspection
Ken Chapman has worked in the construction industry for over 40 years, building up a wealth...

What Happens When a Defect is Reported but Not Made Safe?

What Happens When a Defect is Reported but Not Made Safe?
Sefton Magistrates court handed down a £133K fine to waste management company Viridor when a...

Annual Global Operational Risk Management Survey

Annual Global Operational Risk Management Survey
DuPont Sustainable Solutions (DSS) have published the findings of their global survey of executives...

Belt and Brace It with LOTO

Belt and Brace It with LOTO
A North East company was fined £900K in November after a sub-contractor suffered an electric shock...