
What is Visitor Management software?

What is Visitor Management software?
Visitor management software is a digital system that streamlines the process of registering,...

The top reasons why businesses move to permit to work software

The top reasons why businesses move to permit to work software
Digital Permit to Work solutions are becoming more popular and these are the top reasons why Health...

How to perform a ladder pre-use safety inspection

How to perform a ladder pre-use safety inspection
A ladder pre-use safety inspection is a systematic evaluation of a ladder's condition and stability...

The relationship between Risk Assessments, Method Statements and Permits to Work

The relationship between Risk Assessments, Method Statements and Permits to Work
Risk assessments, method statement and permits to work are all health and safety documents and...

Latest Guidance on Harness & Personal Fall Protection Equip Inspections

Latest Guidance on Harness & Personal Fall Protection Equip Inspections
We look at the latest safety inspection advice in National Access & Scaffolding Confederation’s...

Advantages of permit to work software

Advantages of permit to work software
A robust permit to work system is a key element of workplace safety, today businesses have the...

A Winter's Tale - Ice Hazard Safety Signage

A Winter's Tale - Ice Hazard Safety Signage
It is a known fact that slip and trip accidents increase during the winter season, which can be for...

In the News: Lock Out and Pre-Check failures attract £400K fine

In the News: Lock Out and Pre-Check failures attract £400K fine
Bernard Matthew’s Food Ltd has been fined £400,000 following two separate incidents where employees...

Signage's Role in Waste Industry Machinery Safety

Signage's Role in Waste Industry Machinery Safety
Fatal machinery accidents at GB waste and recycling sites have increased significantly over the...