
HSE Launches National Clampdown on Poor Construction Site Safety

HSE Launches National Clampdown on Poor Construction Site Safety
September marks the start of a national clampdown by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) of...

Study Shows H&S Compliance is Third Largest Cost to Small Businesses

Study Shows H&S Compliance is Third Largest Cost to Small Businesses
The average small business in the UK is spending £1146 a year on external health and safety...

SG World Achieves Continued Accreditation for Cheque Printing

National leaders in health and safety and safeguarding solutions SG World has passed its triennial...

You Can’t Contract Out Health & Safety Responsibilities

You Can’t Contract Out Health & Safety Responsibilities
Regular news updates from the HSE give health and safety professionals a growing case history of...

SG World Launch New ‘Multi-Pass’ Feature | Visitor Management Software

VisIT ED, a leading electronic school visitor management system for managing people on a school...

Case Study : University Academy, Merseyside, Visitor Management

Case Study : University Academy, Merseyside, Visitor Management
Based in the Dingle, not far from the River Mersey, Shorefields College (now University Academy)...

Working Together to Safeguard Children Legislation Updated

Working Together to Safeguard Children Legislation Updated
The government have updated their guidance safeguarding children, making clear the responsibilities...

News: Fire Service Safety; Workers are Happier; Carpentry Boss Fined

News: Fire Service Safety; Workers are Happier; Carpentry Boss Fined
Fire Service Receives Safety Award

Health and Safety Executive Summarise Electrical Safety Guidance

Health and Safety Executive Summarise Electrical Safety Guidance
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have issueda summary documentcontaining their Electrical...